Customer PIFs that are tailored for your business

We make it easy to quickly and accurately create, approve, manage and exchange all of your technical food information with customers.


AFGC PIF Portal?

PIF is the standard Product Information Form developed by the Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC).

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) has created an standard format to exchange technical food industry information. For ingredients, the Product Information Form (PIF) V6 definition will be available for Publishers (Supplier, Distributors, Brokers, etc.) to enter or load information, approve and provide xml and/or PDF to their customers via the internet. a certified AFGC PIF Portal is designed to enable publishers to seamlessly provide PIF V6 XML objects and PDFs to their customers and receive Supplier PIFs. Since every customer, manufacturer, co-packer, Supplier and Distributor has varying information needs and levels of IT maturity and support, you can choose the configuration that best meets your needs in the most cost effective manner. Our design allows you to thing strategic, start at the appropriate level and easily plug in additional components or process to continually improve.

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Oak Barrel's

The only portal configured to provide one source for Customer Technical Information

The food industry is not one-size-fits-all.

That's why we have tailored our online portal ePIFPortal.COM to suit your business. Oak Barrel’s ePIFPortal.COM will show you precisely what you need, automate and enforce your business processes, and streamline your information exchange and management. In addition to PIF, you can manage Specifications, COA, QAS and company information required by your customers.

Oak Barrel's ePIFPortal.COM gives you options.

Since every customer, manufacturer, co-packer, supplier and distributor has varying information needs and levels of IT maturity and support, you can choose the configuration that best meets your needs in the most cost effective manner. Our design allows you to think strategically, start at the appropriate level and easily plug in additional components or process to continually improve.

Making it easy to learn and use

We strive to continually improve creation, approval, send and manage ePIFs. We created specific forms for flavours, ingredients and retail ready PIFs. Instead of scrolling through a long form, you’ll be automatically led through data-entry steps, and it’s arranged in a convenient tabular format for quick navigation and review

To further improve creation and approval, the can hide fields, add lists and set default values while creating complete ePIF xml files. Some customers have reduced the number of fields by 50% The configurable is designed to be easy-to-use and easy-to-learn.

We support advanced use cases like creating customer PIF from PIFs without re-entry. For distributors, you can create customer PIFs from Supplier PIFs without re-entry.

Automated, centralized, and tailored for you

Easy data entry and review

  • Ingredients
  • Flavours
  • Samples
  • Retail Ready Products
  • Plus any additional configuration you need

Built for your business

  • See all of what you need and only what you need
  • Create Customer Specific PIFs without re-entry of data
  • Configure workflows to fit your business processes
  • Role, group and user security
  • Automated reminders

Easy Integration

  • Built in architecture for easy integration to your ERP and Recipe Management Systems.
  • Multi-language support

Flexible information exchange

  • You decide whether to provide PDFs or XML objects, based on customer requirements
  • Share company documents with customers – letters of insurance, samples, service level agreements…
  • Use information from Suppliers for PIFs without re-entry.
  • Customers access is hard-coded to protect information

Automated document management

  • Store and access all your related information from one place
  • Store and access all your related information from one place
  • Automated supplier documentation process
  • Import and export xls and documents

Control and visibility

  • Traceability of goods and components across the supply chain
  • Track every send, view, status and customer acceptance
  • Leading security provisions
  • Leading security provisions
  • Easy search and find
  • Flexible permissions and automation controls
  • Weekly summaries about all PIF related activities

Local and 24/5 Support

Our Australian and New Zealand team is among the best. They have been working with many of the region’s top food companies for many years and are experts at making technology work the best for business. With a physical presence in Melbourne and Sydney, we also offer round-the-clock phone support for when time is of the essence.