Australian Food and Grocery Council is AFGC PIF Portal provider that enables Information Exchange at the speed of commerce.

What is AFGC PIF Portal?

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) has created an standard format to exchange technical food industry information. For ingredients, the Product Information Form (PIF) V6 definition will be available for Publishers (Supplier, Distributors, Brokers, etc.) to enter or load information, approve and provide xml and/or PDF to their customers via the internet. a certified AFGC PIF Portal is designed to enable publishers to seamlessly provide PIF V6 XML objects and PDFs to their customers and receive Supplier PIFs. Since every customer, manufacturer, co-packer, Supplier and Distributor has varying information needs and levels of IT maturity and support, you can choose the configuration that best meets your needs in the most cost effective manner. Our design allows you to thing strategic, start at the appropriate level and easily plug in additional components or process to continually improve.

Multi-tenant Cloud, Private Cloud or DMZ Deployment

Technical Product Info Exchange –
Base PIF V6 Support

  • Enter, load XML/XLS PIF data and documents
  • Publish PDF
  • Load customers
  • Assign products to customers
  • Notify customers and allow customers to view, or download PIF and XML
  • Track customer acceptance
  • Remind customer of outstanding PIFs
  • Internal notification of expiring PIFs or documents
  • Update and version PIFs with integrated change tracking and approvals
  • Maintain and provide your “supplier” information and documents to your customer.
  • Distributors, brokers or resellers can load Supplier PIF data and Documents to create their PIFs

Extending Customer
Tech information Support

  • Includes all base level features
  • Create or load other customer product information
    • Customer Specification
    • Customer Samples
    • Pricing
    • Line Trials
    • Customer Briefs
    • Customer Complaints
  • Customer Mapping
    • Map from xml to create Customer Specs and/or PIFs is provided through partnership of Oak Barrel Software and Comactivity, LTD. Oak Barrel’s decades of a global Food and Beverage software and services experience with Comactivity’s decades of local Australia and New Zealand IT expertise in SCM, ERP and PLM solutions.

Supplier Compliance and Material Info Exchange

Multi-tenant Cloud, Private Cloud or DMZ Deployment

Technical Product Info Exchange –
Base PIF V6 Support

  • Enter, load XML/XLS PIF data and documents, and Supplier Data
  • Send Requests to Suppliers and Supplier can load PIF data and Documents, and Supplier Data
  • Publish PDF
  • Supplier User Self Service
  • Track Supplier Status
  • Remind Supplier of outstanding PIFs or Supplier Data
  • Update and version PIFs with integrated change tracking and approvals
  • Automated recertification of Specifications, Supplier data and documents
  • Distributors, brokers or resellers can load Supplier PIF data and Documents to create their PIFs

Extending Customer
Tech information Support

  • Integration to other hosting sites
  • Integration to Supplier’s Technical Information Product Exchange
  • Mapping and Integration to and from PLM, ERP, QMS, SRM

Customer Technical Information Portals

For strategic customers, you can provide secure access that can improve your customer service and provide additional information to increase sales.

Technical Product Info Portals

  • Enter, load XML/XLS PIF data and documents for customer’s products or products that you want to sell
  • Easy Catalog front end to find products
  • Load customers
  • Attribute based search
  • Drill into additional levels of information
  • Notify customers and allow customers to view, or download PIF and XML
  • Track customer acceptance
  • Customers can enter Briefs or Complaints
  • Load information from Tech Prod Infor Exchange

For questions or additional information,

Reach us by submitting the following form

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